Trevor Wideman

Trevor Wideman
Student Researcher
Trevor Wideman has been working with the Museum Exhibit cluster since 2018 after working in the Land Title and Government Records cluster in 2015 and in the Community Records & Directories Research cluster at the Nikkei National Museum in 2016 and 2017. Trevor is currently a PhD scholar at Simon Fraser University under the supervision of Nicholas Blomley, investigating the links between urban planning and property. He is particularly interested in the ways that planning acts to mediate the contentious politics of real property in land, and how unconventional conceptions of land use might arise to reallocate power in the city. His undergraduate work examined planning in Winnipeg, and his Master’s thesis in Geography at Queen’s University examined how Japanese-Canadian heritage was used within a recent local area plan to promote neighbourhood transformations in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. His current work attempts to address social equity concerns and advance a nuanced theoretical understanding of the links between land use, property, and planning in Canada.