Research Creation

Dear SSHRC Committee:

Please follow links to see evidence of research creation by co-applicants:

(1) Susanne Tabata, Independent Producer, chair of the PWFC Film Cluster

The linked film is Survivors Totem Pole, based on her three-year collaboration with Vancouver Downtown Eastside advocates, First Nations, members of the LGBTQ community, and Japanese, Chinese and South Asian survivors of racism. Bernie ‘Skundaal’ Williams, central to this production, will also participate as one of the Canadian subjects and a key creative collaborator in the PWFC short and feature-length films. This work provides evidence of Tabata’s excellence as a producer, as well as her ability to build trusting relationships within communities affected by historical injustice to convey its implications in deeply human and contemporary ways. These are the essential capabilities that she will need in her work as cluster chair.

Survivors Totem Pole

(2017) Tabata Productions Ltd.

Video link:

(2020) Landscapes of Injustice

Video link:

(2) Sherri Kajiwara, Director|Curator of the Nikkei National Museum and Leah Best, Head of Knowledge, RBCM

They are co-chairs (along with an international co-curator, to be named during partnership discussions for the Stage 2 application) of PWFC’s Exhibitions Cluster. The links convey their co-curated exhibition Broken Promises. This work is directly pertinent to the current project, as it demonstrates their capacity to work in partnership with each other and with scholars to translate complex research findings into compelling physical and digital exhibitions.

Broken Promises Museum Exhibit E-catalogue

(2020) Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre

PDF link:

Broken Promises Museum Exhibit iPhone App

(2020) Benjamin Wilson

Website link:

Broken Promise Museum Exhibit Google Play App for Android

(2021) Benjamin Wilson

Website link:

(3) Mike Whittingham, District Vice-Principal, Richmond, BC, chair of the PWFC Teacher Resources Cluster

The link conveys Whittingham’s most recent major Teaching Resource, which he produced as part of Landscapes of Injustice. The work is deeply rooted in new research and carefully tailored to the needs and uses of in-service teachers. It demonstrates the expertise that he brings to this role with PWFC.

Landscapes of Injustice Elementary School Teacher Resources

(2019) Ilana Ross and Heather Read
Video link:

Grade 5 students read their own letters of protest (video)

Landscapes of Injustice Secondary School Resource

(2020) Landscapes of Injustice

Website link:

This track record of research creation is a springboard from which PWFC will launch international public discussion of the Nikkei experience in the 1940s and its pressing relevance today.