by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity
Lessons in racism at a Country Grocer Jordan Stanger-Ross Lessons in racism at a Country Grocer I think I may have learned something new about the history of racism the other day in a neighbourhood store. Sometime near the beginning of everything now happening, I...
by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity
Freedom or safety Lessons from internment to COVID-19 Freedom or Safety: Lessons from Japanese Canadian Internment to COVID-19 Zoë-Blue Coates We are in a global pandemic. With social distancing in place, COVID-19 has changed the day to day of all Canadians in a way...
by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity
Landscapes of Injustice book 2020 Landscapes of Injustice: A New Perspective on the Internment and Dispossession of Japanese Canadians Edited by Jordan Stanger-Ross McGill-Queen’s Press 2020 Landscapes of Injustice, the book, emerges from a collective effort to... by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity
Landscapes of Injustice Launch Event Oct 2020 Landscapes of Injustice Museum Launch Event A culmination of a seven year research project on the dispossession of Japanese Canadians in the 1940s By Michael Abe On Saturday, September 26, 2020, the Landscapes of Injustice...
by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity
Broken Promises Museum exhibit Broken Promises the Landscapes of Injustice Museum Exhibit Yasmin Amaratunga Railton, PhD Jack Lindsay. City of Vancouver Archives, 1184-1537 The Broken Promises museum exhibit is the capstone output of the Landscapes of Injustice...
by Admin | Oct 13, 2020 | News, Project Activity, Touched by Dispossession
Photo credits: James Hollko By Mike Abe It was an honour to speak at the event launch of the Lost Fleet Exhibit at the Maritime Museum of British Columbia in January. The exhibit was on loan from the Vancouver Maritime Museum from Jan.-Mar., 2019. At the launch, I...